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Citrus - Orange - Navel

Citrus - Orange - Navel

Navel oranges get their name from the navel-like protrusion at the lower end of the fruit. It is actually a secondary embryo inside the same fruit. Navel oranges have no functioning pollen. They do not cross-pollinate with other citruses and produce seedless fruit. Navel orange trees in general, and Washington Navels in particular, are not very vigorous. They have a round, somewhat drooping canopy and grow to a moderate size at maturity. Navels are exceptionally delicious, seedless, and easy to peel. They are best when harvested in the late fall to winter months, but will hold on the tree for several months beyond maturity and also store well. 

Projected Harvest:  Late fall to winter
Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
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